To: The Faithful in the Diocese of Kingstown
October 20, 2023
Subject: Serious Allegations involving a Priest
On October 19, 2023, the Diocese learnt of a serious allegation that was made against a priest in active Ministry in our Diocese. A meeting was immediately convened with the priest against whom the accusation was made, and the decision was taken for him to step away from Ministry until the matter is fully investigated and resolved.
The Diocese will cooperate fully with law enforcement officials to get to the bottom of these accusations so that justice can be achieved for all parties involved. Additionally, the Diocese will continue to sensitize the clergy, religious and laity about appropriate ways to interact with people while serving others through their various ministries.
In the meantime, we will continue to offer our prayers for those who are involved in this matter, that God, who is our comfort in times of need, will strengthen us for the journey ahead.
Yours in Christ
+Gerard County
Bishop of the Diocese of Kingstown

Dear Bishop,
It is my understanding that the various edicts of the Virtus training were never fully instituted in our Diocese.
Without implying any wrong doing or being in any way in-delicate, perhaps this is sad news provides an opportunity reopening the discussion on Virtus implementation.
The value of retraining both lay and clergy leaders in the Virtus methods will more easily be appreciated in light of this troubling news.
Such training, taken seriously could go a long way to addressing any undermining of the Local Church’s standing in the community and toward rebuilding any possible damaged trust.
I am aware of allegations that other local Churches have similar or perhaps even more extensive problems with possible abuse. To my knowledge none of these Churches have instituted any trainings nor investigations.
The Catholic Church is the only Church I am aware of who has been serious in our attempt ensure the safety of the vulnerable. Such leadership is praise worthy and should be continued, and advanced internationally, regionally, and locally.