Letter of Solidarity to Archbishop Patrick Pinder,
Archbishop of Nassau, Bahamas

In the name of my brother Bishops of the Antilles Episcopal Conference, I express deep solidarity with our brother, Archbishop Patrick Pinder, the Clergy, Religious and the entire people of the Archdiocese of Nassau, following the horrific devastation caused by Hurricane Dorian.
The distressing images, harrowing requests for prayers and feeling of utter helplessness brought back memories of the traumatic experience of Dominica, caused by Hurricane Maria just two years ago. As a Caribbean people, understand the pain, despair and trauma that the Bahamians and especially the residence of the islands of Abaco and Grand Bahama are experiencing at this time. I encourage them to hold on to hope!
As the People of God in the Antilles Episcopal Conference, let us stand ready to assist in whatever way we can, so that our brothers and sisters of the Bahamas may rise from this horrendous situation. As a means of making manifest our solidarity, I have requested that a special collection to be taken up in every diocese of the Antilles Episcopal Conference to aid in the recovery of the people and Church of the Bahamas.
I send sincere condolences to the families who have lost loved ones. We pray that their souls rest in peace. We also remember those who have lost property and say to them, courage, do not lose hope!
Let us accompany the Bahamians with fraternal and prayerful support.
+Most Rev. Gabriel Malzaire
President, Antilles Episcopal Conference