My Dear Brothers and Sisters,
During the month of August 2023 three persons arrived in our Diocese to begin ministry with us.
On Wednesday 16th August Rev. Paulinus Ugwu of Nigeria arrived. He will be here in a process of discernment for one year in preparation for reintegration into priestly ministry.
On Thursday 17th August Fr. Kizito Omenka, V.C. of Nigeria and Mr. Mankwa Blaise Ofoe of Ghana arrived.
Fr. Kizito is a member of the Via Christi Society who has been assigned to our Diocese and he will be eventually appointed to the Southern Grenadines.
Mr. Blaise Ofoe has completed his philosophical and theological studies and will be here discerning for the priesthood for our Diocese.
They will all have a period of acclimatization/ inculturation of getting to know a bit about our reality, the geography/ history of the country/ Diocese, and our people before being assigned to parishes and different ministries.
Thank you for your attention in this matter.
Sincerely in Christ,
+ Gerard M. County,