Letter from the Bishop – Recent Murders in St. Vincent

My Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We are all shocked and horrified by the killings which took place last night (19th July). In fact, homicides are becoming a weekly feature of our social landscape.
We are all concerned about this situation and are deeply affected. Of course, you would agree that a number of social factors are at the root of these happenings, the family being the most evident of all.
Because we cannot remove ourselves, as church, from our neighbor’s plight, but rather are called to be in solidarity with each other. As people of God, we rely on the help of almighty God. Let us pray for this situation, for the families involved, and for our nation.
With immediate effect please reintroduce the Prayer for Peace for SVG at all masses. This is to be undertaken personally and at all our Masses, especially on Sundays.
Thank you for your collaboration in this matter.
+ Gerard M. County
Bishop of Kingstown