26th April 2021.
Dear Brother and Sisters,
I hope you are well and keeping safe.
In my letter of 23rd December 2020, I advised you of a Diocesan fundraiser in the form of raffle with a draw date of 1st May 2021. I wish to inform you that due to the recent activities of the La Soufrière volcano the raffle will not be drawn on the 1st of May 2021 as advertised. The situation will be monitored and hopefully the draw will take place later down in the year.
Although the attention of the Church at this time is to bring relief to and the pastoral care of the victims of the La Soufrière volcano eruption, please do not lose sight of the financial needs of the diocese and continue to support this fundraiser.
Please inform those persons who have already purchased tickets that the draw has only been postponed and will be held at a later date.
Thanks for your understanding and assistance.
Yours in Christ,
+ Gerard County,
Bishop of Kingstown