5th March 2020.
Dear Brother and Sisters,
A Blessed and fruitful Lenten Season to you.
Within the last few weeks the Corona virus (COVID 19) has spread beyond the boundaries of China to many Countries in the World including our region. It is clear that no one is immune from this virus. With this in mind I have decided to take preventative measures at our Liturgical celebrations. Therefore, the following measures are to be implemented with immediate effect.
1. Until further notice Holy Communion will be given under one specie.
2. Holy Communion will be distributed only in the hand and not on the tongue.
3. There will be no distribution of the Precious Blood.
4. There will be no joining of the hands at the Lord’s Prayer.
5. At the exchange of the Sign of the Peace please refrain from the shaking of hands (a sign of reverence is acceptable).
6. No holy water will be provided at the doors of the Church.
7. The extraordinary ministers of communion must sanitise hands before and after the distribution of Holy Communion.
Please follow the guidelines as issued by the health authorities with regards to general hygiene.
Please continue to pray for the scientists and doctors that are urgently and diligently trying to produce a vaccine to help to eradicate this virus. Also pray for the healing for those infected.
May the Peace of God Our Father be with us in this time of uncertainty.
Yours in Christ,
+ Gerard County,
Bishop of Kingstown.